Dammit moon moon
Dammit moon moon

dammit moon moon dammit moon moon

Riding in on a tidal wave of late ’90s disaster movies that felt like a delayed aftershock of the Irwin Allen pictures, the Earthquakes and Towering Infernos of two decades earlier, Deep Impact struck in the summer of ‘98 just a couple of months before Michael Bay’s similarly-themed Armageddon slammed into us for its sloppy seconds. Oceans do rise! Several cities do fall! And hope did indeed brush aside millions of corpses just so President Morgan Freeman could make us feeeeeeel something as he speechified from the steps of the ruined Capital Building. And that’s what it delivered too, alongside the usual great big helpings of cheese and computer-generated effects and celebrated thespians slumming it. That’s what the poster for the 1998 disaster flick Deep Impact promised twenty-five years ago today.

Dammit moon moon